Tuesday, December 18, 2012

The first.

Hello, blog world!

I figure an introduction is in order. I'm Grace and I'm all of 22 years young. As a consequence, I occasionally think I know everything. I'm studying to become a history teacher and it's my dream to inspire a passion for history in the hearts of my future students. I decided to make this little blog to record the going-ons of my life and also as a "start over" from my last blog which was full of emotional, hormonal entries. On the contrary, this blog will be more of a focus on everyday life and occasional reflection. I chose my blog name...well, because of The Colbert Report. Everyone is always mispronouncing my last name as Gardner or other variants...so...long story short, I'm a giant nerd! I hope this blog serves as a great online "scrapbook" of sorts!